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The Dalhart Texan has a rich history in the Panhandle. Established in 1901, the paper enjoys a prominent spot on Dalhart’s main artery of the downtown district, being housed in an historic building, located at 410 Denrock Avenue.  From its vantage point in historic downtown, just across the street from the Dallam County Courthouse, the Dalhart Texan covers life and death in the two county area of Dallam and Hartley Counties, reporting on community events, the workings of city and county government, school and sports functions, as well as hospital news, and any other subjects pertinent to the area.

Operating as a daily publication since 1933, the Dalhart Daily Texan, as it was then called, held steadfast through trying times that cost many small town their daily newspapers.  Tenacity and hard work persevered, and eventually the Dalhart Daily Texan reached the distinction of being the smallest daily newspaper still published in the State of Texas.

The Dalhart Texan was run by Kenneth Hogue and his family for many years, beginning in 1946. In December, 2005, in an effort to meet the challenges of a changing world, the paper began publishing three times a week, as the Dalhart Texan. At the same time, new technology was added to keep pace with today’s demands, thereby offering more choices and services to its customers.

March, 2012 saw printing reduced to two issues per week, combining the Monday and Wednesday editions into a Tuesday issue and increasing the size of Friday's edition into a "weekend edition" to ensure customers continued to get value for their money.

In 2014, Scott Wood, of Muenster, Texas, and Scott Wesner of Austin, Texas purchased The Dalhart Texan. Both grew up in Cordell, Oklahoma, and have over 35 years of community newspaper experience between them.

Currently, the Dalhart Texan can be enjoyed, in full color, two times a week, both in paper form and on-line with links to its advertisers, and other special advantages.  Subscribers still have the option of having the paper delivered to their door, or they can choose to go “paperless” with an on-line subscription, which can be read anywhere in the world, with no delays or paper “pileup” at your door when you are out of town.
