Truck runs into elementary schoolBy IVY HOLLINGSWORTH Dalhart Elementary School was damaged Friday eveningafter a vehicle crashed into the building. >> More
Downed line causes power outagesBy NIXIE SANDERSON Most of the residents and businesses in Hartley were withoutpower for part of the day Tuesday. According to Xcel Energy media spokesman Wes Reeves,approximately 366 customers in Hartley and the surrounding arealost power at 9:38 a.m. >> More
At-home job questions answeredBy ZELDA BETH LANG The City of Dalhart recentlyreceived a lot of questions aboutwhat is required to have a legal homeoccupation. Here are some answers, aslisted in the city’s code of ordinances. >> More
Telemedicine tech arrives at hospitalBy IVY HOLLINGSWORTH Electronic technology is allaround us whether we are aware ornot. Embracing technology can takean act of faith for some who might buyinto the varying stigmas surroundingmachinery, big or small. >> More
Students get laptops for dual creditBy IVY HOLLINGSWORTH Dalhart High Students enrolled in dualcredit classes offered through Frank PhillipsCollege Dalhart Center and Amarillo Collegewere issued individual HP laptops Fridaythrough the DISD technology department. >> More
New U.S. dietary guidelines released, includes lean red meatBy NIXIE SANDERSON The USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesreleased the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans January 7. >> More
2016 market outlook addressedBy IVY HOLLINGSWORTH An average to abundant carryoverstocks, both domestically andworldwide, accompanied by a demandthat appears to be flat—mainly dueto the strength of the dollar—are theprimary factors for a clouded marketoutlook for 2016. >> More
Seats open for council, school boardBy ZELDA BETH LANG The Dalhart Independent SchoolDistrict (DISD) Board of Educationand Dalhart City Council electionswill be held this year. The first day tosign up for a place on the DISD boardor the city council is on January 20 andcontinues until February 19. >> More
Bi-County Livestock ShowBy IVY HOLLINGSWORTH The 2016 Bi-County Junior Livestock Show wrapped up Saturday night following thelivestock auction and sale. More than 230 youth in Dallam and Hartley Counties exhibitedtheir animal or animals over the course of the weekend with hopes of earning a first placeribbon or better yet, a grand champion banner. >> More
Dalhart council considers renovationsBy ZELDA BETH LANG The Dalhart City Council metTuesday night, January 12, for theirregular meeting. >> More
Hartley County seeks bids for metal sheetsBy ZELDA BETH LANG Both the Dallam and Hartley CountyCommissioners’ Courts met on Mondaymorning, January 11. >> More
House approves resolution to nullify EPA water ruleBy NIXIE SANDERSON The Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule from theEnvironment Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers has faced additional setbacks since it the U.S.sixth circuit court of appeals issued an order of stay October9. The most recent was the passage of legislation by the U.S.House of Representatives to repeal the rule. >> More
Livestock and exhibitors ready to showNixie Sanderson Landon Swain prepares his heifer for the Bi-County Junior Livestock Show yesterday morningat the Rita Blanca Coliseum in Dalhart. The show kicked off yesterday with the lamb and goatshows. >> More
Candidates set for primary election March 1By ZELDA BETH LANG A primary election will be heldon March 1. This includes local, stateand national. Dallam County has tworaces to consider >> More
Hospital board approves annual auditBy ZELDA BETH LANG The Dallam-Hartley HospitalDistrict Board met Thursday, January7 at noon. >> More
Rescue mission closing doors in DalhartBy IVY HOLLINGSWORTH Dalhart’s Rescue Mission announced Thursday it will be closingits doors after 50 years of service in the area. The organizationprovided assistance to families and individuals traveling throughtown by providing gas money, a place to spend the night, meals,... >> More
Bi-County Junior Livestock Show kicks off ThursdayBy NIXIE SANDERSON The Dallam and Hartley Bi-County JuniorLivestock Show is set to kick off tomorrow atthe Rita Blanca Coliseum. >> More
Retirement reception for two at Rita BlancaFriends and family of Corky Cokeand Mike Wall gathered Monday tohonor them at a special retirementcelebration at Rita Blanca Electric.Coke (top) began his career withRita Blanca 39 years ago. >> More
State files suit against EPA ozone ruleBy NIXIE SANDERSON Texas has become one of severalstates to file a lawsuit against theEnvironmental Protection Agency(EPA) regarding the agency’s newozone standards rule. >> More
President outlines measures to curb gun violenceBy NIXIE SANDERSON President Barak Obama outlined four measures to increase guncontrol across the nation in a live address Tuesday. The executiveorders have drawn the criticism of conservative lawmakers, who statethe measures would violate second amendment rights. >> More |