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Comptroller returns $1 billion in monthly sales tax revenue to local governments

Posted by: tdt -

Comptroller returns $1 billion in monthly sales tax revenue to local governments 

City of Dalhart receives over $240,000

 Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced recently that he will send cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose districts $1.1 billion in local sales tax allocations for January, 0.3 percent more than in January 2024. These allocations are based on sales made in November by businesses that report tax monthly. 

For details on January sales tax allocations to individual cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose districts, visit the Comptroller’s Monthly Sales Tax Allocation Comparison Summary Reports. 

The City of Dalhart will receive $244,470.28. This is a 16.43% decrease over the amount received last year for the same time period, which was $292,552.51. Since this is a new year, that is also the total for the year. 

The City of Texline will receive $6,151.36, which is a decrease of 5.04% over the amount received last period. year for the same time 

The City of Channing will receive $726.33 according to the reports, which is a decrease of 24.56% over the amount received last year for the same time period.

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