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Homecoming festivities top two wins for Texline

Posted by: tdt -

 Homecoming festivities top two wins for Texline

 The Texline High School student body crowned Eugenio Davila-Briano and Averi Davidson as their Homecoming King and Queen immediately after Friday night’s double basketball victories against Pringle-Morse. The Homecoming Court was comprised of eight senior students, two representing each grade, from the basketball teams or pep squad. 

Freshman class nominees were Eugenio Davila- Briano, son of Arcelia Briano and Eugene Davila, and Veronica Ballew, daughter of Vicky and Bobby Ballew. 

Representing the sophomore class were Averi Davidson, daughter of Heather and Trey Sinclair, and Joe Clay, son of Diana and Adam Clay. 

The junior class selected Victoria Guilfu, daughter of Magdalena and Edgar Cervantes, and Trayven Wilson, son of Nicole White and Melvin Kreamer, and Benjamin Wilson. 

The senior class chose Will Clay, son of Diana and Adam Clay, and Sarely Mendoza, daughter of Karen Fernandez and Carlos Mendoza. 

The Texline Student Council selected Damian Lujan and Hannah Sanderson as the young escorts for the court. Damian is the son of Cynthia and BJ Lujan. Hannah is the daughter of Nixie and Jeff Sanderson. 

The ceremony was organized by the Texline Student Council, sponsored by Megan Pierson and Whitney Gilliam, and the Pep Squad, sponsored by Karen Fernandez and Magdalena Cervantes. 

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