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$25,000 grant money open to Texas women veteran business owners

Posted by: tdt -

$25,000 grant money open to Texas women veteran business owners

The Center for Women Entrepreneurs is award- ing five $5,000 grants to established Texas wom- en veteran businesses through its fifth annual Veteran Woman Entrepre- neur Grant program. The funding is offered through Texas Woman’s Universi- ty’s Jane Nelson Institute for Women's Leadership Applications will be accepted from Jan. 21 through Feb. 21, with win- ners announced on March 11, 2025.

"Our veterans have given so much to our country, and we're honored to give back by supporting their entre- preneurial journeys," said Tracy Irby, CWE director.

"This $5,000 grant can be a game-changer, whether it's used to pur- chase equipment, expand marketing efforts, or bring a new idea to life. We've seen firsthand how this funding can transform a business, and we’re excited to help more women veter- ans achieve their goals in 2025.”

Grant recipients can use the funding for various business growth initia- tives, including equipment and machin- ery purchases, technology acquisition, inventory and raw materials, property improvements, marketing initiatives, and other qualified business development activities.

As part of the program, grant recipients will re- ceive comprehensive sup- port. This includes one- on-one mentorship with business advisors or veter- an mentors. They will par- ticipate in a virtual small business training course series covering business planning, marketing, legal considerations, insurance, accounting, and finance. They will also complete a business plan.

Interested applicants can find detailed informa- tion, Frequently Asked Questions, and the application at twu. edu/center-women- entrepreneurs/veter- an-woman-grant/.

The JNIWL is dedi- cated to preparing women to take on successful roles in business and pub- lic service. Its three specialized centers — Center for Student Leadership, Center for Women Entrepre- neurs, and Center for Women in Govern- ment — ensure wom- en have the education to establish careers as successful executives, the skills for build- ing entrepreneurial businesses, and the framework needed to run for public office.

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