ArchivesInsurance open enrollment ends WednesdayInsurance open enrollment ends WednesdayIf you don’t have or are paying too much for health insurance, you might look into what’s available on the Health Insurance Market- place. A representative of Panhandle Community Services will be available Tuesday, Jan. 14, at the Dallam-Hartley County Li- brary from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. to answer questions and provide assistance. Don’t wait – open enrollment ends Wednesday, Jan. 15! For the full story SUBSCRIBE to the online edition of The Dalhart Texan, call (806) 244-4511 to setup a subscription to our physical paper or pick a copy up at one of our many convenient news rack locations. You can also stop by and purchase a paper or subscription in person at our news office located at 410 Denrock Ave. |