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Insurance open enrollment ends Wednesday

Posted by: tdt -

Insurance open enrollment ends Wednesday

If you don’t have or are paying too much for health insurance, you might look into what’s available on the Health Insurance Market- place. A representative of Panhandle Community Services will be available Tuesday, Jan. 14, at the Dallam-Hartley County Li- brary from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. to answer questions and provide assistance. Don’t wait – open enrollment ends Wednesday, Jan. 15!

You will need: household address and information; social security numbers for those applying; estimate of 2025 income; information on employer-based insur- ance (if applicable); immi- gration documentation (if applicable).

Phone and virtual ap- pointments are also avail- able, as well as appoint- ments after hours. Just call 806-342-6176.

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