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Reported That Bandits To Rob Rock Island Train Not There

Posted by: tdt -

Reported That Bandits To Rob Rock Island Train Not There

Following a tip, as the Rock Island always does, precaution was taken to offset any attempted hold-up by bandits at Meade Tuesday night, but the bandits failed to make their appearance, and there is little to tell save that two deputies, each taking the other for one of the robbers, engaged in a shooting bout with the result that each of them carries slight wounds from shot guns.

The train is due in Meade at 8:15. At Minneola three Mexican section hands caught the “blind baggage,” and alighted at Meade. Deputies, thinking they were bandits, gave chase, with the result that two of the deputies were slightly wounded.

It had been reported in a round-about way that an attempt would be made to hold up the train at Meade, so deputies boarded the train at Minneola, and others were on the watch-out at Meade, according to officials here. Evidently the tip was bogus or the bandits for some reason abandoned their plan, for there was no semblance of train robbers anywhere when the fast westbound train rolled into Meade.

August 30, 1949 - 75 years ago

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