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Scouting about in Dalhart

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Scouting about in Dalhart

 Local efforts are once again underway to organize troops in Dalhart through Scouting America, previously known as Boys Scouts of America then, briefly, BSA Scouting. The new name change will become effective on February 8, 2025, the organization’s 115th birthday. 

Cub Scouts is open to both boys and girls in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade. 

Scouts, where boys and girls will be in separate troops, is for students in grades six through twelve. 

A recruitment meeting for both age groups. is set for 6:00 p.m. tomorrow night, Aug. 22, at Dalhart Intermediate School. 

Scouting had a long history in Dalhart, which fell victim to COVID. Pastor Mike Rowe has led the effort to revive the tradition since last Spring. 

“Scouting is the beginning of a lifelong journey of leadership excellence,” Rowe said. “Scouting can open doors in the military, in education, and in professional life.” 

Meeting times for both groups will be decided at sign-up. 

For additional information about joining, volunteering or simply learning about Cub Scouts or Scouts, contact Michael Rowe at (903) 243-6075. 

If you are a former scout and would like to help out as a leader, please contact Rowe or come to the organization meeting. 

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