August 8, 1924 - 100 years ago
Unique Ball Game To Be Played In Dalhart Next week
It’s the sensation of Dalhart right now. Nothing like it has ever happened before , and the chances are that it never will come again.
The fat women against the lean ones – that’s what will happen. They are all in training now, and have been for several days - secret training and no one knows, not even themselves, what stunts will be pulled off.
The exact date is being withheld for the reason than long lines would wait so long that they would famish or starve before the time.
The Parent-Teacher organization is sponsoring it, and they figure that the demand for seats (or standing room) will be so great that the revenues from sale of tickets will be enough to pay off the war debt.
The game will start about 6 o’clock and may continue throughout the night if nine innings are played.
Mrs. Geo. White and Mrs. A. Q. Benner are the captains. See them for tips as to the probable result of the score.
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