Oznick named City Manager, expects to take reins by Sept. 1
Get ready to welcome the Oznick family to Dalhart!
J.J. Oznick, 44, has been hired as Dalhart’s newest City Manager, effective around the end of August, he said. He is currently serving as City Manager in Eastland, TX, a position he has held for three and a half years. His last day on the job there is Aug. 23.
“We’re really looking forward to coming to Dalhart,” Oznick said. “I was very impressed. Not only is it a larger community than Eastland, it’s very family-oriented. This is a great job opportunity in a stable community, and a great Oznick named City Manager, expects to take reins by Sept. 1 place to raise a family.”
The Oznick family includes Kristi, J.J.’s wife, who will teach fifthgrade math at Dalhart Independent School District, and their three children. Their oldest daughter, Emili, will be working on her Master’s degree in Social Work at Tarleton University. Jay, their son, will be a freshman at Dallas Baptist University majoring in Finance. Lilli will be a sixth-grader at Dalhart Intermediate School. Kristi and Lilli will move to Dalhart ahead of J.J. so as to be here and ready before school starts on Aug. 14.
Originally from Quinlan, Oznick attended West Texas A&M University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a master’s degree in Business. He spent 20 years of his career in Vernon, where he was Fire Chief for five years.
His first priorities in coming on board are to meet with city staff and leaders.
“I want to be sure that staff members are comfortable and find out what their issues are,” Oznick said. “That’s most important. Then I want to learn what the city leaders’ vision is for Dalhart, how we can keep moving forward and still keep the small-town atmosphere.”
The Oznicks already know at least one family in Dalhart.
“J.J. was a (school) board member and the Fire Chief in Vernon when we were there and his wife Kristi taught for us on one of our elementary campuses,” said Jeff Byrd, DISD superintendent. “They are an awesome family that will fit in well in Dalhart.”
“We are excited to have an opportunity to become part of the community,” Oznick said.
“We’re not people who sit on the sidelines and keep to ourselves – we look forward to being able to help however we can!”
Interim Dalhart City Manager Ken Nickel will stay in position until Oznick takes over and for a few days after to ensure a smooth transtion, he confirmed.
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