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Food and fun aplenty in July at the Dalhart Elks Lodge

Posted by: tdt -

Food and fun aplenty in July at the Dalhart Elks Lodge

It’s almost July and things are jumping at the Dalhart Elks Lodge!

Their annual Sweetheart’s Bake Sale is set for July 13 at 8 p.m., and it’s going to be huge says Sweetheart and organizer Karen Lang.

“We’ll have chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, German Chocolate cake, pies, my cheesecake and breads…, and that’s just the stuff I’m baking,” she said. “Other people are bringing items, too.”

On July 20, Lang will host the Elks’ Backyard BBQ Party Brisket & Rib Cookoff. The fun includes a Cornhole Tournament and Vendor Show, and everyone is invited.

Doors open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. BBQ judging will be at 5:00 p.m.; serving will begin at 5:30. Plates are only $15 each with choice of brisket or ribs.

Entry fee for the cookoff is $150 for ribs, $200 for brisket and $300 for both, with meat provided by the Dalhart Elks Lodge.

First place prize is $500 each for brisket and for ribs. To enter or for more information, call Karen Lang at 806-676- 5558.

Dalhart Elks Lodge 2390 is located at 122 N. Jefferson Street. Smoking is no longer permitted

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