ArchivesDon’t Walk, Dash to AdoptDon’t Walk, Dash to AdoptMeet Dash, a young black and white Labrador mix estimated to be between 6 and 9 months old. This young dog would be a wonderful addition to the family; he’s playful, great with children and such an observer. Labrador Retrievers make for savvy hunting and outdoor animals, and Dash is young enough to train that he would be the perfect hunting partner. He has been at the shelter for nearly 60 days, which means his time there is nearly at an end. Dash is available for adoption from Dalhart Animal Shelter and would truly make a great addition to your home. For the full story SUBSCRIBE to the online edition of The Dalhart Texan, call (806) 244-4511 to setup a subscription to our physical paper or pick a copy up at one of our many convenient news rack locations. You can also stop by and purchase a paper or subscription in person at our news office located at 410 Denrock Ave. |