ArchivesHospital board approves annual auditBy ZELDA BETH LANG The Dallam-Hartley HospitalDistrict Board met Thursday, January7 at noon. The first item was a review ofthe audit. Brent Fuller with Durbin& Co. LLP of Lubbock went overthe audit with the board. There weretwo documents that he gave Boardmember. Some questions were askedby various board members. The boardapproved the audit. For the full story SUBSCRIBE to the online edition of The Dalhart Texan, call 244-4511 to setup a subscription to our physical paper or pick a copy up at one of our many convenient newsrack locations. You can also stop by and purchase a paper or subscription in person at our news office located at 410 Denrock Ave. For the full story SUBSCRIBE to the online edition of The Dalhart Texan, call (806) 244-4511 to setup a subscription to our physical paper or pick a copy up at one of our many convenient news rack locations. You can also stop by and purchase a paper or subscription in person at our news office located at 410 Denrock Ave. |